5 Questions to Consider When Fundraising


If you’re like the rest of us, you have a notebook full of awesome ideas you’re ready to implement – if only you had the funds to do so. You are NOT the only one who battles budget constraints. Your projects warrant serious consideration of fundraising and here are some ways to start thinking about how to make it happen.

  1. What is your case statement? Before you can ask, you have to share why. How will you communicate with your publics the importance of their donations or gifts to your museum? Lay out a communication plan before you go any farther.

    1. Who are your publics? Do you have a board of directors, major donors, and members of the museum who are giving already? Check out Rosso’s Concentric Circles to think more critically about potential donors.

    2. Are your publics giving annually? Annual giving is the foundation of fundraising and donation campaigns. You have the ability to sign up an individual for annual giving in your first contact with him or her. Even small amounts can make a difference, so don’t discount anyone’s effort.

    3. What’s the next step for current donors? The Pyramid of Giving is a great visual to represent how individuals move through a donation cycle. How can you communicate with them the importance of increasing their annual donation or adding an extra gift through-out the year?

    4. Can you share spec work or your vision? If you’re fundraising for a specific exhibit or project, are you doing your absolute best to make your vision a reality for donors? Most people are visual learners and they get excited when they can see a future result and witness your passion about the project.

Of course, none of this matters unless you’re prepared and ready to practice donor stewardship. Your donors have placed a faith and trust in you and, in turn, should receive a level of relationship-building communication that reflects your thankfulness.

Silver Oaks